(A) MSA & CA Program Guidelines & Policy

About MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) and CA (Colloquial Arabic):

Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the written language of Arabic. It is developed from Classical Arabic which is the language of the Holy Quran. MSA is the language of newspapers, novels, books, and the media. It is a ‘living’ language, used by educated people and intellectuals all over the Arab World. Each Arabic country has its own dialect. It is a mix of the indigent language, the occupier’s languages, and Arabic language.

Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) is the dialect that Egyptians communicate with in Egypt. Although ECA is a combination of Hieroglyphic, Coptic, most of the invasions’ languages and the Arabic language, it is the most understood and spoken dialect all over the Middle East for Egypt was considered “Hollywood of the Middle East”.

Method of teaching

The approach of our teaching methods is student-centered where teachers facilitate the Arabic language learning through short presentations of the new content and allocate more time for language and skills practice. The activities allow for maximum student participation and aim at developing language skills, speaking, listening, reading, and writing through authentic materials and tasks. With the teacher’s help, support and feedback the student is encouraged to participate in order to maximize the opportunities for language practice.

Instructions in ECA classes emphasize oral skills whereas instructions in MSA classes put more emphasis on the written skills.

Course Requirements & Assessment

1- Attendance

The student is expected to be in the virtual class on time. Though the teacher is quiet flexible, however, if the student had to cancel the class, it is preferable to do so 24 hours before class time. If you do have to postpone a class, make sure you have the teacher’s phone number (WhatsApp communication .. e.g.) and e-mail address to be in touch to arrange for the next class.

Less than 24 hrs Class Cancellation notes, 50% of class payment will be charged up to 25% of the total number of booked hours only, after that 100% will be charged.

2- Participation

The instructional model in this course is based on active participation of learners and your participation is a key component of your success. Participation involves your contributions to classroom activities and discussions as well as your pre-lesson preparation. Postponing classes or poor preparation affects both the amount and quality of your participation and accordingly your progress. Participation also involves group and pair work activities in classes (in group classes) where you are expected to collaborate with any member of your colleagues in class as instructed by your teacher.

The instructor will be communicating course arrangements via email. You are expected to regularly check your email for messages from your instructor.

Your performance in the area of participation will be assessed based on:

a) Your pre-lesson preparation as demonstrated in your contributions during lesson
b) Your persistence in using Arabic in class.
c) Your collaboration in pair and group work (in group classes).
d) Your language input comprehension and accurate production.

3- Homework

Homework assignments are expected to be sent at least 24 hours before the class time via email or any other means agreed on with your teacher. You are encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments with your classmates (in group classes), with the stipulation that everyone will send their own individual assignments. Please send your written homework on a separate sheet of paper with your name, scanned.

4- Oral Presentations

During the course you will give skits or presentations in ECA & MSA Classes. You may do either a skit or an oral presentation about a topic of your choice, or as assigned by your tutor. Further detailed instructions will be given to you by instructor in class. Oral presentations will be assessed based on the rubrics below:

Assessment Area


Grammar and Vocabulary:

This focuses on the control of grammatical forms in terms of complexity, accuracy, and variety. Also focuses on the range and appropriateness of vocabulary to give and exchange views on the given topic.

Discourse Management:

This focuses on the ability to produce extended spoken texts, for example presentations where speaking is delivered in coherent and organized parts in a flow that is clear and comfortable for the listener to follow.


This focuses on clear articulation of sounds, appropriate intonation and word stress ensuring intelligible spoken utterances.

Interactive Communication:

This focuses on the initiation of spoken interaction and response to questions ensuring a flow of spoken communication.

5- Quizzes

There will be a short oral/written quiz (apprx.15 minutes each) every now and then. The tutor’s feedback works as an assessment of your performance.

6- Writing Skills Assignments (MSA courses):

You will be developing your writing skills through writing composition assignments that are designed around the stages of Process Writing: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. The writing composition is expected to be scanned and sent 24 hours before the class. Your instructor will provide comments on the first draft that guide you through the revision stage in your writing. On the second draft you are expected to submit the revised version according to the previous instructor’s comments and get new comments to help you with the editing stage. The third and final version of your writing reflects the published version after implementing the editing notes provided by your instructor on the second draft. Your writing skills portfolio will include all versions of your writing with the instructor’s assessment of each version. Your instructor will share with you the assessment rubrics relevant to each stage. The final version of your writing is assessed according to the rubrics below:

Assessment Area



This focuses on how well the student has fulfilled the task, in other words, if he/she has accomplished the requirements.

Communicative Achievement

This focuses on how appropriate the writing is for the task, and whether the student has conveyed the message using the appropriate register either formal or informal.


This focuses on the way the student puts together the piece of writing, in other words:

  • If it is logical and ordered.
  • If it is cohesive.
  • if it complies with the conventions of the required type of text such as email messages, reports or articles.


This focuses on vocabulary and grammar. It includes the range of structures and lexis, clarity of meaning as well as how accurate it is.

7- Final Exam (MSA courses):

The final examination will be a written one and will test all the reading and writing as well
as grammar and vocabulary.

The final exam is optional and takes place upon the student’s request towards the end of the course.


  • Please note that teachers who work through Arabic Tutor Online are loyal to the program. Any teacher’s recruitment separately from the program will result in dismissing the teacher from the program. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Payment is in advance.
  • The $20 transaction fee contributes to the teacher’s payment transfer from USA to his/her bank account (usually a $50 transfer fee is deducted by the bank from the teacher’s payment).

(B) Arabic Tutor Study Abroad Policy

1- Holidays:

We will provide the student prior to their arrival with the calendar of the holidays during their course.

2- Cancellation:

*Class cancellation policy:

Cancellation of the class should be within no less than 24 hours before class otherwise 50% will be charged (the cancellation is allowed up to 25% of the number of booked classes).

*Course cancellation policy:

No refunds after the first week (the taught hours will be deducted from the refund), but you can hold and come to use any unused booked hours.

*Accommodation cancellation policy:

  • The cost + 15% will be charged for Accommodation, tourism tours packages, airport pickup and drop off, etc… 
  • If the student wants to change/cancel the accommodation, 25% of the booked duration will be charged and the student is responsible to find another accommodation.

This applies to any cancellation e.g. (accommodation placement, tourism tours packages, airport pickup and drop off).