Arabic is no different than any other language in the place of learning the basics, and one of them is definitely learning how to create an Arabic sentence. If you want to communicate with native speakers, read Arabic literature, or explore the rich culture and history of the Arab world, you have come to the right place!
In this blog post, we will introduce you to the basics of creating an Arabic sentence, which is the foundation of any language learning journey. You will learn about the structure, types, and components of Arabic sentences, as well as some tips and tricks to make them sound natural and fluent. By the end of this post, you will be able to form simple sentences in Arabic and express yourself in a variety of situations.
Table of Contents
What is an Arabic Sentence?
An Arabic sentence is a group of words that conveys a complete meaning or idea. It usually consists of two main parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, and the predicate is the part that tells something about the subject.
For example, in the sentence “Ahmed loves books”, (Ahmed) is the subject and (loves books) is the predicate.
There are two main types of Arabic sentences: nominal and verbal. Let’s learn about the differences between them and look at some examples of each type.
Nominal Sentences
A nominal sentence is a sentence that starts with a noun or a pronoun, such as “I – أنا”, “you – أنت”, “he – هو”, “she – هي”, “they – هم”, “this – هذا”, “that – ذلك”, etc. The noun or pronoun is usually the subject of the sentence, and the predicate can be another noun, an adjective, a prepositional phrase, or a subordinate clause.
For example:
- هذا كتاب
This is a book.
- البيت كبير
The house is big.
- هي في المدرسة
She is at school.
- أنا أحب اللغة العربية
I love the Arabic language.
As you can see, nominal sentences are simple and straightforward. They are used to state facts, describe things, or identify people or objects.
Verbal Sentences
Verbal sentences have a verb, a subject (فاعل), and an object (مفعول به). It starts with the verb, such as “read – يقرأ”, “write – يكتب”, “eat – يأكل”, “drink – يشرب”, “go – يذهب”, “come – يأتي”, etc. The verb is usually the predicate of the sentence, and the subject can be a noun, a pronoun, or an implied pronoun that is attached to the verb.
For example:
- يقرأ أحمد كتابًا
Ahmed reads a book.
- تكتب نادية رسالة
Nadia writes a letter.
- أكلنا الفطور
We ate breakfast.
- اشرَب القهوة
Drink the coffee!
Arabic sentences can also have other elements, such as adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, Arabic conjunctions, etc. that modify or connect the words in the sentence. For example:
- قرأت الكتاب الجديد بسرعة. (I read the new book quickly.)
- أحمد ومريم يحبان بعضهما. (Ahmad and Maryam love each other.)
- تكلم الأستاذ عن اللغة العربية. (The teacher spoke about the Arabic language.)
As you can see, verbal sentences are dynamic and action-oriented. They are used to express actions, events, or states that happen in the present, past, or future.
Rules and Patterns to Create an Arabic Sentence

Now that you know the types of Arabic sentences, you may wonder how to create them. Well, the good news is that creating an Arabic sentence is not very difficult, as long as you follow some basic rules and patterns. Here are some of the most important and basic rules to create any of the two types of the Arabic sentences:
- Arabic is written and read from right to left, so you should start your sentence from the right side of the page or screen and move to the left.
- Arabic has a different alphabet than English, so you should learn the Arabic letters and how to pronounce them. There are 28 letters in Arabic, and each letter has a different shape depending on its position in the word (initial, medial, final, or isolated). Some letters also have dots above or below them to distinguish them from other letters. You can find a list of the Arabic letters, their shapes and sounds here.
- Arabic is a gendered language, which means that nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs have masculine and feminine forms. For example, the word for “book” is كتاب (kitab) in the masculine form and “writing” كتابة (kitaba) in the feminine form. The word for “he” is هو (huwa) in the masculine form and “she” هي (hiya) in the feminine form. The word for “big” is كبير (kabir) in the masculine form and كبيرة (kabirah) in the feminine form. The word for “reads” is يقرأ (yaqra’u) in the masculine form and تقرأ (taqra’u) in the feminine form. You should pay attention to the gender of the words and match them accordingly.
- Arabic is also a case-marked language, which means that nouns, pronouns, and adjectives have different endings depending on their function in the sentence (subject, object, or possessive). For example, the word for “book” is كتاب (kitab) in the nominative case (when it is the subject of the sentence), كتابًا (kitaban) in the accusative case (when it is the object of the sentence), and كتابِ (kitabi) in the genitive case (when it is the possessive of another noun). You should learn the different case endings and how to apply them correctly.
- Arabic has a complex verb system, which means that verbs have different forms depending on their tense, mood, aspect, voice, person, number, and gender. For example, the verb for “read” is قرأ (qara’a) in the past tense, يقرأ (yaqra’u) in the present tense, سيقرأ (sayaqra’u) in the future tense, يقرؤون (yaqra’un) in the plural form, تقرأ (taqra’u) in the feminine form, and قُرِئ (quri’a) in the passive voice form. You should learn the different verb forms and how to conjugate them properly.
- Arabic has a flexible word order, which means that you can arrange the words in different ways to create different meanings or emphases. For example, you can say “Ahmed reads a book” in three different ways in Arabic:
- يقرأ أحمد كتابًا: This is the most common and neutral way, where the verb comes first, followed by the subject and the object.
- أحمد يقرأ كتابًا: This is the way to emphasize the subject, where the subject comes first, followed by the verb and the object.
- كتابا يقرأه أحمد: This is the way to emphasize the object, where the object comes first, followed by the verb and the subject.
- You should experiment with different word orders and see how they affect the meaning and tone of your sentence.
These are some of the main rules and patterns that you should know to create an Arabic sentence. Of course, there are more details and exceptions that you will learn as you progress in your Arabic learning journey, but these are enough to get you started and help you form simple sentences in Arabic.
Steps to Create an Arabic Sentence
- Determine the type of the sentence, nominal or verbal.
- Identify the Subject: The subject of the sentence tells us who or what is performing the action. In Arabic, the subject is often a noun or a pronoun. For example, “الطالبُ” (the student) or “أنا” (I) can be the subject of a sentence.
- Choose the Verb: The verb represents the action or state of being in a sentence. Arabic verbs are conjugated based on the subject, tense, and other factors. Select a suitable verb that matches the subject and the intended meaning.
- Determine the Object: If your sentence requires an object, identify the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. The object can be direct or indirect, depending on the verb’s requirements. For example, in the sentence “أنا أحب القهوة” (I love coffee), “القهوة” (coffee) is the direct object.
- Consider Verb Conjugation: Arabic verbs undergo changes based on the subject, tense, and mood. Pay attention to verb conjugation rules to ensure grammatical accuracy in your sentences. Practice conjugating verbs in different tenses to expand your sentence-building skills.
- Add Adjectives and Adverbs: Enhance your sentences by incorporating descriptive words or adverbs. These modifiers provide additional information and add depth to your Arabic sentences. Remember to agree adjectives with the noun they describe in gender, number, and case.
- Master Arabic Sentence Connectors: Transition words and connectors are essential for coherent and flowing sentences. These words link ideas and help express relationships between different parts of a sentence. Examples of sentence connectors in Arabic include “و” (and), “لكن” (but), and “بسبب” (because of).
- Practice, Practice, Practice: The key to mastering Arabic sentence construction is practice. Regularly engage in activities that involve creating sentences, such as writing short paragraphs, engaging in conversation, or completing exercises. The more you practice, the more natural and fluid your sentences will become.
How to Make Sentences in Arabic More Natural and Fluent?
Creating an Arabic sentence is one thing, but making it sound natural and fluent is another. If you want to speak or write Arabic like a native speaker, you should pay attention to some aspects of the language that can make your sentence more expressive and elegant. Here are some of them:
- Expand your vocabulary and apply grammar: building a robust Arabic vocabulary is essential for creating diverse and expressive sentences. By combining your growing vocabulary with the grammar concepts, you’ll be empowered to express yourself with accuracy and fluency. Learn more about vocabulary building. Also, you can learn about Arabic grammar.
- Use connectors and transition words to link your sentences and paragraphs and create a smooth and coherent flow of ideas. For example, you can use words like و (wa, and), لكن (lakin, but), ثم (thumma, then), لذلك (li-dhalika, therefore), بالتالي (baltali, consequently), etc.
- Use different word orders to create different meanings or emphases. As we’ve mentioned before, Arabic has a flexible word order, which means that you can arrange the words in different ways to express different nuances or to stress certain elements.
- Use shadowing (repeat the dialogues as you hear them). Shadowing is an extremely useful tool for increasing fluency as well as improving your accent and ability to be understood. Shadowing helps create all the neural connections in your brain to produce those words and sentences quickly and accurately without having to think about it.
- Use an established textbook or online course to learn the grammar and vocabulary of Arabic. Arabic is a complex and rich language that has many rules and exceptions that you need to master in order to form correct and natural sentences.
Sentence Structures for Effective Communication
While vocabulary and grammar form the building blocks, syntax—or how words are arranged—determines comprehension and eloquence. Learning a wide variety of sentence structures allows flexible expression under different circumstances. Here are some useful patterns to develop:
- Declarative sentences make statements with the subject first (e.g. “الطالب يدرس العربية”).
- Interrogative sentences pose questions by changing word order or adding question particles (e.g. “هل الطالب يدرس العربية؟”).
- Imperative sentences give commands, omitting the subject (e.g. “!اقرأ الكتاب”).
- Exclamatory sentences convey emotion with elongated vowels or particles (e.g. “!ما أحلى الجو”).
- Passive voice changes focus to the object using helping verbs (e.g. “تُدرَس العربية من قِبَل الطالب”).
- Complex structures combine ideas with conjunctions, relative clauses, or prepositions (e.g. “التي أكلها الطالب كانت تفاحة حلوة”).
Now, you have most of the keys to create a useful Arabic sentence and make your first steps using the vocabulary you’ve learnt and express yourself in a meaningful way.
In this blog post, we have provided you with a basic introduction to how to create Arabic sentences. By understanding the basic sentence structure and verb conjugation rules, you will be well on your way to mastering the Arabic language.