Recommendations About Esraa Mohamed​

Valeria De Vecchi

Ms. Esraa Mohamed has been my teacher for more than one year. She has been teaching me Modern Standard Arabic through online classes and we use the English language to communicate. Besides constantly proving herself a qualified and capable teacher, she is a patient, enthusiastic and caring person. She has always been available to meet my requests and to provide further explanations if necessary.

Based on the above, I do strongly recommend Ms. Esraa to any employer or student who is looking for an excellent teacher.


Alexandre Schick

Esraa, is providing excellent Arabic lessons. She always manages to find a way to make the class interactive and use games methods that enable to learn sometimes dense grammar lesson in a funny and easy way. She is also well aware of the meaning of each word and does not only teach Arabic but the history that is linked to it. Furthermore, she is really flexible to schedule a lesson, which is always appreciated when already facing a busy week schedule. For all these reasons, I can only recommend taking classes with Esra if you want to learn Arabic or improve it while having fun.


Felicitas Schubert
Esraa has a very warm, friendly, also open-minded, and caring personality. Even before the first lesson I felt comfortable and was excited to start.
Based on the placement test at the very beginning, but also after each lesson she is adjusting the exercises to exactly what I need and ask for. Her flexibility is outstanding, regarding the time and schedule as well as the topics and contents.
She keeps the right balance to push softly, but with no pressure, and motivates me as a student. The combination of input (grammar and vocabulary), exercises, and activities surrounded by conversations and opportunities to practice making the lessons very enjoyable and helpful, never frustrating. Being a teacher myself I appreciate that I don’t really feel that I am in a lesson. We’re having a lot of fun and it’s nice to spend time with Esraa. Still am improving my Arabic noticeable and I gained the confidence to talk and use Arabic more and more. I dare to make mistakes and I also enjoy doing homework because Esraa is always positive, optimistic, and super patient. The fact that she speaks proper and fluent English helps a lot in case it is needed. Even though she uses Arabic as much as possible (since she is aware of my exact level) and leads me back to Arabic in a smooth and supporting way if I switch to English too much.  I am looking forward to a lot more lessons with her and definitely recommend her as a teacher.
Delphine Blondet
I have been learning the Egyptian Arabic language with Esraa for a year now (private class). I really see the progress I have made since we met. Her method is clear, organized, benevolent. Things I like the most:
The different exercises Esraa prepares in order to work on all aspects of learning the language: free or directed writing, reading, listening, daily life, and specific expressions.
While keeping the structure of the program she set up, she managed to modulate part inside to adapt the learning process to my professional needs.
She is a very supportive teacher, and I feel she understands and manages with up and down moments I can felt in the learning process (a normal sensation when we learn new languages.)
She is a teacher deeply involved in her program, she for i.e found very efficient solutions when we had to continue the class online during the confinement.
And I am never bored with the learning process with her!
Seline Fröling
Esra has been my teacher of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for 6 months and I have enjoyed every single class with her. As a beginner student of Arabic, she has not only taught me grammar and pronunciation but given me confidence in my learning ability. I especially appreciate the fact that she is able to adjust her teaching method and class structure to my learning needs and my learning approach. She is a true teacher at heart!